Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Chapter 4

A good life...

As humans we are made of body, soul and mind. If we try to get those things we consider to be important for the time being, such as material posessions, and don't take into account that being able to share with others is what make us humans and make others humans as well, we may regret later on, when we realize that, for example, being rich is not worth if we don't have anybody to share our money with. This issue meade me go back in time for a few seconds. I am at River Plate Stadium now, today is March 3rd, 2007. It's around 11 pm and it's raining, but it doesn't matter at all. I don't care about if, neither do the other 50.000 people around me, because we are watching our's favourite singer concert. So there's Ricky Martin, talking to us, telling us that the song he's about to sing reminds him of the importance of sharing what one has with others. He sais that as he has been in the entertainment bussiness since he was 12 years old, he had to grow up fast, and felt at some point that even though he had many things, and had travelled all around the world and done million of things, he felt at some point that he wasn't living life fully. He had to slow down and think about the importance of being himself and doing what he really felt and wanted, to be in contact again with that child he had abandoned years ago in the search for success.
Here's a link to the the song:

(you can also read the lyrics on the side bar)

Savater, Etica para Amador
Chapter 4


Pame said...

Hi Adri...
I like your post very much. I'm a bit nostalgic of life... The other day I met with a couple of friends and started to remember many things we live together, we SHARED.
It's completely true: life is empty without somebody next to you, no matter if you're rich or even if you're poor.
I noticed that many (or maby the majority of) poor people tend to share more than rich people.
See you...


Gladys Baya said...

Lovely lyrics!!! (did you know they're by Arjona?). Reminded me of an older song that Julio Iglesias would sing, entitled "Me olvidé de vivir". (does that show my age?!?).

Anyway, and since you and Pame have already focused on the question of feelings and sharing (which I understand is related to the "soul"), what I wanted to tell you is that to me the hardest thing to take care of is my body... Yet, when I watch TV these days, I feel the message often leads to neglecting people's minds!!! :-P Do you agree?



Adri Ambrosio said...

Hi Gladys:
I think you are right, television doesn't exactly help us reflect about ethics. I mean, almost all tv programmes have strong negative messages. And what happens when children watch programmes in which the characters they like set bad examples? It's highly probable that they will copy them, right? Unless they have already developed a strong power of reflection and they can realize by themselves thet they shouldn't behave in that way. But thet is not possible in a small child... can parents and teachers compete with the power of the television?

By the way, of course I knew "Asignatura pendiente" was written by Arjona, but it sounds much better when it's sung by Ricky, doesn't it? ;)

Gladys Baya said...

This discussion has gone a bit off-track by now, but never mind! Your recent comment has made me think of another question: why would it be wrong to behave like those popular characters you refer to? In other words, what would make them look evil in their young admirer's eyes?

The need for adults to spend time discussing these issues with children will never be stressed enough, I believe... And in a society where parents and other relatives have less and less time to afford this, teachers' contributions become more important than ever!

Just let me know how you feel about this!


Adri Ambrosio said...

Hi Gladys! I believe my comment is not off-subject and it answers the question you made before. If the bad characters are the ones who succeed, children will tend to copy those patterns of behaviour and attitudes rather than the qualities of the good character. I think that television is so influentian that it should be used responsibly and specially bearing in mind the effects that it may cause in the children's minds.

Gladys Baya said...

Two points, Adriana:

1. I never meant "off-subject" (if by that we mean "Ethics"), but that we've forgotten about the issue of "mind, body and soul"...

2. As regards the "evil characters", my point was precisely that: if they succeed, what makes them evil?

Hoping I've made myself clear,