In order to feel free we have to accept that we are responsible for our actions and that we can accept a piece of advice, but no one can tell us what to do. As we grow up and become adults, we have to follow certain rules but not orders. However, I think that if we believe in God we must accept his rules. So, after all we are free to choose our religion, and our actions have to do that decision. What is good and what is bad become more clear, but not everyone have the same religion, and even some people have no religion at all. Then, reflecting about moral issues become essential if nobody can tell us what to do exept for ourselves!!!
Savater, Etica para Amador
Chapter 3
Hi Adri...
This one was a difficult chapter for me. I've just finished my post and while reading yours I realize that I've came to a simmilar conclusion.
Be free, but be responsible!
As for religion matters, I think they all have good intentions (I mean not to damage anybody, etc). Of course with out including sects.
See you...
Pame =P
Not sure I get what you mean when you say "if we believe in God, we must accept His rules", Adriana. Does faith free religious people from responsibility for their actions then? In other words, can believers do without ethics and reflection, for choices have already been made for them?
And wouldn't nature play the same role for atheist people (setting "the rules of the game", I mean)?
Big hug,
PS: not sure why Pame has put sects aside either... :-?
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