Wake up baby!

Living a good life doesn't imply doing what we want at the moment. That may please us for the time being, but what about the future? Life is complex and there are lot of things to consider when we make decisions and therefore living a good life is not simple. It is clear that we all want live a good life, but what does it mean anyway? Having things we want, money to buy them and power sounds good, but they cannot buy friendship or somebody's love. So, living a good life doesn't consist of having things and influence over people. We are all humans because we belong to the same specie, but we as humans can humanize each other. So, lots of things and millons of Euros aren't enough to live a good life...because things are necessary but only people can make us humans. Ethics is about reflecting over this issue...to try to understand why behaving in a certain way is more convenient for us than behaving in another way, and what can make life good for us.
"...es que ayer estaba viendo la television, estaba viendo un debate sobre lo del 11-M y estaba viendo los politicos que no se ponen nunca de acuerdo, nunca se ponen de acuerdo. Y habia una señora que habia estado en ese tren y era la mas sensata de todos los que estaban en ese programa. Yo quisiera dedicarle, sin que sirva para nada, solo dedicarle esta cancion:
Y no me importa que me digan que yo soy un viva la vida porque vivo sin compromiso. No me da verguenza ninguna, vida tengo na ma' que una aunque crea en el paraiso. Para mi es mucho mas carota el que me acusa de pasota con la baba llena de whisky. Soy lo que tu quieras pero sinverguenza no soy. Cuando veo en esta puerca humanidad tanto crimenes sin nombre, de sinverguenza ni hablar. Me da verguenza de ser un hombre. Yo prefiero seguir buscando los defectos y los encantos de una dama golfa y valiente, verdadera como la guerra, despeinada como la tierra y canalla como la gente. Yo prefiero una compañera perfumada con la madera, con el cuero y con la palabra, hembra. Una mujer para mi debe ser mucho mas que una hembra. Que desprecie los dineros y el chanel, la corbata y la mentira, y solo por esa mujer valdra mi muerte mas que mi vida "
Alejandro Sanz en Concierto.Tour No Es Lo Mismo. Las Ventas, Madrid, España.
Savater, Etica para Amador
Chapter 5
Wow! Strong words!!! My favourite line is "vida tengo na ma' que una aunque crea en el paraiso". 8-)
Do you think your teachers have contributed to your realising this, Adriana? Any one in particular?
Share your memories with us!
Hi Gladys! I remember one of my teachers in particular. He had been to War when he was just a teenager and one day he shared whith us some words that have a lot to do with the content of this chapter. I believe that experience made him realized many things about life and ethics that my classmates and I had never thought of. I always remember that day as if it had been just yesterday when he talked to us.
Hooray to that teacher, and his influence upon you, Adriana!
Hope you can do the same some day too!
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