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Chapter 9
Although democratic countries are governed by elected representatives of the people, I believe that politicians do not actually take into account the people’s needs. Perhaps they do so because they live in their very own worlds and never take the time to take a look around and see other realities. That's way many of them seem to not even know that the word ethics exists, taking decisions that do not fit the necessities of the people but their own personal interests. Justice seems so distant when those who are in charge of the destiny of one Nation act as if either all people were like them or otherwise they did not exist. Maybe they feel that since poverty and health and education problems do not reach them, they do not exist. Maybe they believe that such problems are just ideas we have in our minds, or that such a reality belongs only to a bunch of people who deserve being in the situation they are immersed in, and that poverty exists everywhere so it would be impossible to eradicate it from society even if they tried, so they prefer to overlook reality instead of make an attempt to change it.Anyway,it doesn't really matters to me which they reasons mey be,neglecting those who depend on them is to me a complete lack of ethics.Savater, Etica para Amador Chapter 9
Hi Adri!!
I totally agree with you!!
Sometimes, I feel that Politicians are not talking to us because they do not talk about the reality we are inmersed in, many times I wonder if they know that everybody wants to live a good life...
Hi Giyo and Adriana!
I'm afraid in this case I strongly disagree with you both... :-( Instead of telling you my views, I'd rather ask you a couple of questions, if you allow me:
1. Could you paraphrase "lack of ethics"?
2. Who is a politician? Are you a politician?
Once you tell me your answers to these two questions, I promise I'll be nice and tell you (a bit) about what I think! Hope you're willing to find out! ;-)
Big hug,
Hi Gladys1
I get your point now. Nobody lacks ethics, it is simply that other's ethcis are different to mine. Perhaps what make some people feel that they are living a good life involves making others miserable. Am I right? And as regards being a politician... do you mean that since we live in a democratic country and we choose our poliiticians we have to resign ourselves to the fact that we actually get what we ask for? But politicians are suposed to look after us and try to organize things in a way that the peolpe can live a good life. In what way would be a politician?
Looking forward to your answer! ;)
I think we're both talking along the same lines as regards "lack of ethics", Adriana...
As for being a politician, do U remember the way Savater defines "politics"? Something like "the art of living together (in society)in the best possible way". Taking it for granted that you belong to several communities (your family, friends and class(es), to name just a few), in each of them you'd be a politician whenever you somehow contribute to their members living together, for better or worse... practically all the time, I'd say!
One kind of politician can certainly be the one who thinks it's somebody else's responsibility / in other hands... Now, what kind of politician are you going to choose to be?
That's a good point to consider Gladys. I hadn't though about politicians in that way, but in broader terms. Thanks for making it clear. Politics is closer to me than what I had thought! I now know that I have been a politician for a long time and in many situations, that's interesting! I'll try to take it more seriously, that's for sure.
Don't kill me with curiosity, Adriana! Pleeeeease tell me, what kind of politician are you, at home and in front of a group of learners?
Dying to know,
As a "politician" I try to understand the students' concerns because I know how it feels not to be able to understand a topic. Many students feel that English is a difficult subject and some children tell me: "I didn't understand this topic because the teacher didn't explained it." I'm sure that teachers at school explain things but maybe they don't stand on the children's shoes. I try to see things from their point of view and help them, not just because it is my job to teach them but because I really want them to feel that their effort pays off and that that they can learn English and put into practice when they are tested at school.
I agree with you Gladys but as Adriana mentioned, Some people never thought about politicians in that way. Politics are everything surrounding us, each relationship between two people involves power and politics indeed. It is deep in ourselves as part of the society to develop the type of politician we want to be.
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